About Me
Great dog trainers have:
a solid education in behaviour and dog training theory/principles
effective communication and teaching skills
hands-on experience teaching a variety of individuals in different settings
a commitment to continuing education
empathy and caring towards their canine and human clients
This is what I constantly strive for! Below is why I am uniquely qualified to best support you and your dog.
Professional Experience
I have worked with animals of a variety of species (dogs, cats, pigeons, rats, humans) over the span of almost 20 years.
With dogs specifically, my experience includes:
boarding kennels
rescue (Dogwatch/Pound Paws Rescue)
sports (tricks, nosework, lure-coursing, straight racing)
teaching dogs and owners in:
puppy classes
group life skills and reactive dog classes
private training
behavioural consultations.
I have experience teaching, developing skills and relaying complex information in a variety of environments:
working as a phone support person and training high school students for Kidsline (child phone support line)
teaching and supervising university students in psychology, statistics and research
speaking at national and international psychology conferences
learning about and facilitating a Non-Violent Communication group in Columbia River Correctional Institution in Portland, OR
Over the course of my career, I have conducted, published and presented scientific research in areas of animal behaviour both nationally and internationally in:
abstract concept learning
choice and decision-making
behavioural economics
social behaviour
BSc (Hons. First Class), Canterbury University, 2005 - Double major in Psychology and Zoology
PhD in Psychology, Canterbury University, 2010
Recent Courses and Conferences
Aggression in Dogs Master course
Avoiding the Bitey End of the Dog - Defensive Handling and Leash Skills- Mike Shikashio (April)
Emotions, Learning and Animal Training - Karolina Westlund
Dogs with Big Feelings FDSA conference
Aggression in Dogs Conference
Leslie McDevitt's Control Unleashed "Conference Unleashed"
IAABC/FDSA Lemonade conference
Susan Garrett's Homeschool The Dog
Nosey Barker's Wonderwalks program
Previous member and conference attendee of:
Association of Behaviour Analysis International
Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behaviour
New Zealand Association of Behaviour Analysis
Comparative Cognition Society
Attended seminars including those of:
Sophia Yin (ABAI, 2010)
Clive Wynne (ABAI, 2014)
Jesus Rosales-Ruiz (ABAI, 2014)
Susan Friedman (ABAI, 2013)
Patricia McConnell (ABAI, 2013)
Ken Ramirez (ABAI, 2011)
Academic/Scientific Work
Selected scientific publications:
Tan, L., & Hackenberg, T. D. (2016). Functional analysis of mutual behavior in laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 130(1), 13.
Tan, L., Soza, F., Talbot, T., Berg, D., Eversz, D. & Hackenberg, T. (2014). Effects of predictability and competition on group and individual choice in a free-ranging foraging environment. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 101, 288-302
Tan, L. (2008). Effects of retention interval on performance in a numerical reproduction task. Behavioural Processes, 78, 279–284.
Tan, L., Grace, R., Holland, S., & McLean, A. (2007) Numerical reproduction in pigeons. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 33, 409-427.
Selected conference presentations:
Tan, L & Hackenberg, T. (2014, May). Paying to risk: Pigeon gambling in a token system. Paper presented at Association for Behavior Analysis International convention, Chicago, IL, USA.
Hackenberg, T & Tan, L. (2014, May). Working together: some conditions affecting mutual cooperation among rats. Paper presented at Association for Behavior Analysis International convention, Chicago, IL, USA.
Tan, L., Grace, R. & McLean, A. (2009, May). Number and language: Comparing human and nonhuman numerical discrimination performance. Paper presented at Association for Behavior Analysis International convention, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
Tan, L. (2006, October). One flash, two flash…An investigation into the numerical abilities of pigeons. Paper presented at University of Canterbury Postgraduate Showcase, Christchurch, NZ.