Learn from the comfort of home
Easy, efficient, and effective online training
Get help, learn skills, and resolve issues with flexible, individual one-on-one Zoom sessions.
Book as you go, as many as you need
Our online services offer:
- Affordability
Online training sessions, courses, resources, and society memberships to suit varying budgets - Community
Connect and learn with other like-minded dog people - Flexible support options
via Zoom, email, video feedback, and discussion forums dedicated to all-things dog - Flexibility
Learn and train from any location with the whole family - Convenience
No travel or childcare needed with private Zoom sessions, self-paced courses, resources, and expert support at your fingertips! - Ease of training in a familiar, low-distraction environment
- Less stress for sensitive dogs and humans
Our one-on-one Zoom training sessions are an effective and convenient way to get your dog's behaviour on track. You can enjoy personalised, professional behavioural support and instruction from the comfort of your own home.
We offer 30, 60 or 90min sessions to suit your schedule and the scope of behaviours you need help with. Book one session or as many as you need!
We'll discuss training priorities and goals, how to reduce/prevent unwanted behaviour and teach behaviours you want. Together we'll establish and practice useful skills and techniques that you'll be able to implement on your own. Afterwards, you'll receive a summary recording, relevant resources, and ongoing email support
Online training is PERFECT for:
Busy families
Dogs showing anxiety, aggression, or reactivity
Varying schedules
Remote locations
Home-based behaviours and issues (e.g. puppy/baby set-ups, household interactions, toilet training, separation anxiety)
Affordable, accessible, expert support
Learning with your dog is a life-long journey -
but it doesn't have to be hard or lonely!
Do you like to DIY your dog training? Are you tired of of spending hours trawling through Google, Youtube, and social media to find answers to your dog questions?
Would you like to connect with others who love dogs the same way you do, and understand that dog life?
Do you need extra motivation to keep on training? Is a lack of support and easy access to professional help holding you back? Would you like an easy way to continue learning with your dog without sacrificing convenience, comfort, support or success?
Would you appreciate regular catch-ups with an expert trainer, special discounts and exclusive training offers?
Come visit the Adaptive Behaviour Society!
An online home for you and your dog
Join the Adaptive Behaviour Society to enjoy:
A growing community of dog-loving people
Different membership levels to suit differing needs and budgets
Priority access to all offerings and events at Adaptive Behaviour
Individual and group training support:
- Self-paced courses and webinars
- Downloadable resources
- Forums to learn, discuss, celebrate and commiserate everything dog-related
- Regular Zoom Q+As with Lavinia
- Private coaching sessions to keep you on track and boost progress
- Discounts on online learning and other training services